HomeGuideCybertruck PowerShare Update: Here’s How the New UI Seamlessly Manages Home Energy

Cybertruck PowerShare Update: Here’s How the New UI Seamlessly Manages Home Energy

Cybertruck Powershare made a huge buzz recently when the EV pickup was able to power up the entire gas station after a tornado. This innovative feature allows the Cybertruck to power your home during a power outage or periods of high energy use.

Tesla has just introduced the Cybertruck Powershare update that comes up with numerous small and big details. A Cybertruck owner shared the firsthand impression of the updated Powershare version on X and here’s everything you need to know.

Cybertruck PowerShare Update

Tesla Cybertruck Powershare Update

Merle Somero shares his updated Powershare pictures on X that clearly show what’s new with the Tesla Cybertruck’s power integration system. There are four pictures in total and the purple highlight on the control panel is quite evident in all of them. When active, an intuitive user interface glows purple, indicating that your home is being powered by the Cybertruck.

With its massive battery, the Cybertruck can store and distribute large amounts of electricity. This much energy could easily become a crucial part of your home energy system.

The Powershare system works smoothly with existing home energy setups as shared by Merle Somero on X. The Cybertruck Powershare indeed offers a reliable backup power source and sustainable energy efficiency.

How the Cybertruck Powershare Works?

The Cybertruck Powershare system is both easy to use and highly advanced at the same time. Once you connect your Cybertruck to your home’s power system, the Powershare feature will sense if there’s a power outage and start supplying power instantly thereafter.

This entire process is managed through the Cybertruck’s user interface seamlessly. The Powershare UI is a convenient interface that changes color to show different modes of the entire process. When the Powershare feature kicks in, the interface glows a noticeable purple, giving you a clear signal that it’s actively providing power to your home.

The Powershare feature is yet to come to other models from Tesla EVs. However, there was one remote time when Elon was not very keen on the idea of using EVs to power homes. He jokingly commented that who would want a car that discharges powering your home when you want to drive to work in the morning?

Bi-directional charging capabilities are something that Tesla has had its feet into from the time of its first car, the Roadster. Tesla has always been more hung up on making its Powerwall a more notable product after EVs.

Tesla Bidirectional Charging

Cybertruck Powershare UI Turns Purple

The UI highlights the Powershare feature only in times of power outage and indicates it with a pop of purple color. This visual cue guarantees Cybertruck owners will always understand the crucial information when using Powershare.

The fact that Powershare allows the ease of using the available power of EVs independently is remarkable. One would need to rely on alternate power options like generators or other power storage systems thanks to Powershare.

What to Expect From Cybertruck Powershare?

So far, Tesla could only equip Cybertruck with a Powershare feature with bi-directional charging capabilities to power your home after the Roadster. However, many other carmakers like Nissan, BYD, KIA, Ford, etc. are already ahead of Tesla in the field.

Cybertruck owners with Powerwall or with Powershare gateway connectors can access the feature of powering their homes in the event of an outage currently. It would be interesting how Tesla brings similar functionality to other models in the coming times.


One would never need not to worry when one can power their entire household with their Cybertruck whenever they need. Tesla in a way is transforming how we see our EVs with such mobile power sources. Recent real-life examples are sure to instill some faith that EVs are indeed useful in more than many ways.

What right now looks like an ordinary purple UI color change may soon become the future of how EVs powering other sources would look. What do you think of the subtle updates from the Cybertruck’s Powershare feature?

Purnima Rathi
Purnima Rathi
Purnima has a strong love for EVs. Whether it's classic cars or modern performance vehicles, she likes to write about anything with four wheels, especially if there's a cool story behind it.


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