HomeNewsTesla Owner Completes 236,000 Miles in 6 Years With Zero Maintenance

Tesla Owner Completes 236,000 Miles in 6 Years With Zero Maintenance

In the world of motorsport, few names resonate with the legacy and expertise of Piero Longhi, a celebrated figure in Italian rally driving. With a career spanning several decades, Longhi has not only etched his name in the annals of rally racing but has also emerged as an influential voice in the automotive industry. Recently, he made headlines for an extraordinary feat that bridges the gap between traditional motorsport and the evolving world of electric vehicles.

Piero Longhi achieved a remarkable milestone, driving a staggering 236,000 miles in a Tesla, an electric vehicle renowned for its innovation and performance, with virtually no maintenance. This accomplishment not only underscores the durability and reliability of electric vehicles but also marks a significant moment in the ongoing dialogue about the future of automotive technology.

Tesla 236,000 Miles Zero Maintenance

Tesla Breaks Records with Zero Maintenance 236,000-Mile Drive

Piero Longhi’s journey with his Tesla is a remarkable testament to the durability and reliability of electric vehicles. Covering an impressive distance of 236,000 miles, Longhi’s experience is a significant case study in the world of EVs. What makes this journey even more extraordinary is the minimal maintenance that the Tesla required over this extensive period.

Unlike conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, which often demand regular service checks and maintenance, Longhi’s Tesla defied these norms. Throughout his journey, the car required no routine service checks or maintenance procedures, a stark contrast to the maintenance schedule of traditional rally cars he previously drove. This lack of regular maintenance not only highlights the efficiency and advanced engineering of Tesla’s electric vehicles but also underscores the cost-effectiveness and convenience of owning an EV.

The only significant maintenance that Longhi’s Tesla required was the replacement of the front brake pads. This is a relatively minor procedure, especially when considering the distance covered. The longevity of the brake pads is indicative of Tesla’s regenerative braking system, which reduces wear and tear on the brakes, a feature unique to electric vehicles. Longhi’s experience thus shatters many preconceived notions about the durability and maintenance needs of EVs.

The Facebook Post and Public Reaction

The story of Longhi’s journey with his Tesla was shared by the rally driver himself on Facebook, sparking a wide range of reactions from his fans and followers. In his post, Longhi detailed his experience, emphasizing the lack of maintenance and the high mileage he achieved. This post was not just a personal anecdote but also served as a subtle endorsement of electric vehicles, coming from a professional with a deep understanding of automotive performance.

The reactions to Longhi’s post were mixed, reflecting the diverse opinions on electric vehicles. Some fans expressed skepticism, finding it hard to believe that an electric car could cover such a vast distance without significant maintenance or repairs. This skepticism is rooted in the common misconceptions about the durability and reliability of EVs.

On the other hand, there was a sense of humor in some of the responses. Fans humorously compared Longhi’s experience with his Tesla to his days racing in traditional rally cars, joking about how he managed to drive such a long distance without encountering the issues often stereotypically associated with electric vehicles. These humorous reactions often alluded to the myths surrounding EVs, indirectly highlighting the need for more awareness and factual information about electric vehicle capabilities.

The Significance of Longhi’s Milestone

Piero Longhi’s achievement of driving 236,000 miles in a Tesla with minimal maintenance is not just a personal milestone, it’s a significant moment in the narrative of electric vehicles. As a respected figure in the world of rally racing, Longhi’s endorsement of EVs carries considerable weight. His experience serves as a powerful testament to the reliability, durability, and practicality of electric vehicles.

This is particularly impactful in a market like Italy, where skepticism about EVs persists. Longhi’s journey can effectively challenge prevailing misconceptions and demonstrate the real-world capabilities of electric vehicles. Such positive and high-profile experiences can significantly influence public opinion, potentially boosting interest and confidence in EVs among consumers.

Piero Longhi’s Background and Rally Career

Piero Longhi’s journey in the world of rally racing is nothing short of spectacular. His career took off in the mid-1980s, a period often regarded as a golden era in rally racing. Longhi’s debut in the rally scene was marked by his skillful handling of an Opel Kadett 1.8, a car that laid the foundation for his future successes. Over the years, he has been behind the wheel of some of the most iconic rally cars, showcasing his versatility and adaptability across different vehicle types and racing conditions.

Among his notable achievements, Longhi’s victories in the Rally of San Marino stand out. He clinched this prestigious title four times, a testament to his consistent performance and mastery over challenging terrains. His victories were not limited to a single type of vehicle; he achieved success in cars ranging from the robust Toyota Corolla to the legendary Subaru Impreza. The latter is particularly revered in rally circles, often listed among the top ten most iconic rally cars in history.

Longhi’s experience and expertise extend beyond just driving. His insights into vehicle performance, maintenance, and adaptability in various racing conditions have earned him respect and admiration in the automotive community. His transition from traditional rally cars to embracing an electric vehicle like Tesla for personal use is a significant indicator of the shifting trends in the automotive world.

Longhi’s endorsement of Tesla’s performance and low maintenance needs, especially over an impressive distance of 236,000 miles, speaks volumes about the potential and reliability of electric vehicles in today’s rapidly evolving automotive landscape.

Debunking Electric Vehicle Myths

The rise of electric vehicles has been accompanied by various myths and misconceptions, one of the most persistent being the alleged increased risk of fire. This myth posits that EVs are more prone to catching fire than their gasoline counterparts. However, extensive research and real-world data have consistently debunked this claim. Studies show that the incidence of fire in electric vehicles is significantly lower compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. The design and construction of EV batteries, along with rigorous safety standards and testing, ensure that EVs are less likely to catch fire.

Tesla Cars Burst into Flames but None of Their Batteries Ignite, Showcasing Unbelievable Safety

Piero Longhi’s experience with his Tesla over 236,000 miles serves as a practical counterpoint to this myth. His journey, devoid of any such incidents, underscores the safety and reliability of electric vehicles. Longhi’s Tesla, like most EVs, was subjected to stringent safety tests, ensuring that the risk of fire is minimized. This real-world example helps dispel fears and misconceptions, providing a more accurate perspective on the safety of electric vehicles.

Electric Vehicles in Italy

In Italy, the perception of electric vehicles is a complex mix of enthusiasm and skepticism. While there is a growing interest in EVs, particularly in urban areas seeking sustainable transportation solutions, misinformation and myths still hinder widespread adoption. Many potential buyers remain cautious, influenced by misconceptions about range, battery life, and maintenance costs. The myth of EVs being less reliable or more prone to issues like fires persists, despite evidence to the contrary.

This misinformation is a significant barrier to the adoption of EVs in Italy. It not only affects consumer choices but also impacts policy and infrastructure development. The Italian market, while slowly embracing electric mobility, still lags behind other European countries in terms of EV sales and infrastructure, such as charging stations.

Efforts to educate the public and dispel myths are crucial in changing this perception. Stories like Piero Longhi’s, highlighting the practicality and reliability of EVs, play a vital role in this regard. They provide tangible evidence that challenges misconceptions and showcases the benefits of electric vehicles.

As more people like Longhi share their positive experiences with EVs, public perception in Italy will likely shift, paving the way for a more sustainable and electric future in transportation.


Piero Longhi’s journey with his Tesla, covering an impressive 236,000 miles without significant maintenance, stands as a remarkable example in the world of electric vehicles. His experience not only challenges common misconceptions about EVs but also highlights their potential as reliable and low-maintenance transportation options. Longhi’s story is particularly influential given his background and credibility in the automotive sector. As Italy continues to navigate its path towards electric mobility, experiences like Longhi’s are invaluable in shaping public perception and driving the conversation forward.

They provide a glimpse into a future where electric vehicles are not just a niche market but a mainstream choice, offering a blend of performance, sustainability, and practicality. Longhi’s milestone, therefore, is more than just a personal achievement; it’s a beacon for the future of electric vehicles in Italy and beyond.

Saurav Revankar
Saurav Revankar
Saurav is a distinguished expert in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, known for his in-depth knowledge and passion for sustainable technology. With a particular focus on Tesla, he provides insightful analysis and comprehensive reviews that make complex EV topics accessible and engaging.


  1. Am I really supposed to ignore Tesla’s own numbers of batteries and motors replaced under warranty based on the anecdotal evidence of one guy, with little to no details? I think not. If he really did do 230+k miles on the original battery that would make it the second highest milage pack in existence, but you provided no details of battery degradation, so we can’t know.

    • Good morning,
      In response to Jhon’s post, I can truly confirm that to date I have driven approximately 237,000 miles without replacing the battery.
      As regards the degradation of the battery, I can say that I lost around 15% of the km that I would normally travel with the new car… based on how I use the car with my 75 kW battery (I have a Tesla Model S 75) with I did about 380 km on the new car… now I do about 330

      Thank you and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

  2. Good morning,
    In response to Jhon’s post, I can truly confirm that to date I have driven approximately 237,000 miles without replacing the battery.
    As regards the degradation of the battery, I can say that I lost around 15% of the km that I would normally travel with the new car… based on how I use the car with my 75 kW battery (I have a Tesla Model S 75) with I did about 380 km on the new car… now I do about 330

    Thank you and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year


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